conscient podcast

e36 fanconi – towards carbon positive work

Episode Summary

My conversation with theatre maker and art + climate activist Kendra Fanconi about the role of the arts, her work with The Only Animal theatre company, carbon positive work, art + activism strategies and how to mobilize artists for the climate emergency.

Episode Notes

kendra fanconi, conscient podcast, April 19, 2021, British Columbia

I’ve known Kendra for many years, first through her work with Radix Theatre then as an arts and environment advocate in the community, notably through The Only Animal, which she co-founded in 2005 and which has created over 30 shows that ‘take theatre places it has never gone before’. I’ve always admired Kendra’s vision, her calm demeanour, her strategic mind, and deep commitment to environment issues, as you’ll hear on our conversation, which recorded remotely between Ottawa and her home on the Sunshine Coast. 

As I did with all episodes this season, I have integrated excerpts from previous episodes in this case, from e19 reality in this episode. 

I would like to thank Kendra for taking the time to speak with me, for sharing her deep knowledge of arts and environment practices, her generosity of spirit and her passion for the mobilization of artists in climate emergency. 

For more information on Kendra’s work, see

Kendra in the field...